Competition classes go Virtual
Posted by Jo on May 21, 2021
As you will know the Mirfield Show team took the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Show on the Showground. However, a full schedule of virtual competitions are planned taking us right through from May to December.
Show Chairman Jonathan Evans said “We were very sorry to have to cancel the 2021 Show, especially as there was no Show in 2020. We know what a popular community event it is and we are keen to keep the momentum of the Show going – albeit in a virtual world! We are planning to be back in reality in 2022.”
Louise Hardy, Head of Competitions for the Show team said “We have a fabulously talented community here in Mirfield (and around and about the area) and our Competition marquee is usually bursting with competition entries. Last year we ran a number of virtual competitions and these were very well received. So, we have extended those this year and taken them right up to December.”
One of the most popular last year was the Scarecrow competition – the entries being displayed around Mirfield and available for all to see on a Scarecrow Trail. This will happen again and entries for this are invited from 2 July to 23 August.
Two of the classes are being sponsored by local businesses – The Design a House competition sponsored by Orange Design Studio and the Creative Writing competition sponsored by Through the Wardrobe Books. The Grow and Show an Onion class is being mentored and helped along by Tim Grace. Tim is well-known throughout Mirfield, and beyond, as a horticultural expert, grower of prize exhibits and a renowned Judge of Horticultural classes.
Louise says “The theme running alongside the competitions is FRIENDSHIP, TOGETHERNESS AND KINDNESS. After the year we have all had we think that this is a very appropriate theme. There is a comprehensive range of competitions and something to suit all age groups. We will be distributing the schedules to the wider community as we want to encourage all ages and abilities to become involved. You can enter via our Facebook page (Mirfield Show) or via our website I am really looking forward to receiving your entries.”
The full list of classes, ages and start and end dates is available at the website and as a flier from Ramsden’s Butchers in Mirfield High Street.
Download the virtual schedule here.
Further information from:
Louise Hardy
Vice Chairman & Head of Competitions Mirfield Show |
Email :
Jonathan Evans
Chairman Mirfield Show |
Email : |
Karen Bullivant
Marketing subcommittee Mirfield Show |
Email :
Tel : 07812 377529 |