Children’s Fancy Dress 2018
Sponsored by Auto Electric Group
This is for children of up to 14 years and will take place in the main ring. To enter this competition, simply register from 10.00a.m., up to the start of the competition at the registration point, near the scarecrows. Please make your way to the main ring in good time. Prizes and rosettes will be presented to the wearers of the costumes that the judge likes the best on the day. Costumes can be on any theme – all are eligible to win a host of prizes – but judges will be impressed by any, that depict wool, as our theme this year is Heavy Woollen and Rural Yorkshire. You could be Shaun the Sheep, a shepherd or farmer of goats or llamas.
Winners 2018
Name | Dressed as: | |
1st | EVIE, with Billy,Harry, and Ruan |
Little Bo-Peep and Sheep |
2nd | Harry Jones | The Yorkshire Post Newspaper |
3rd | Harry Ashford | A Wool Mill |
4th | Katelyn Jolly | Water |